Anonymous ID: d9b53f July 17, 2018, 12:57 p.m. No.2189993   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0008

Former Podesta Group staffers now lobbyists for Google


Google has recruited the #Resistance to lobby Congress giving a good idea of just how seriously the Internet giant takes accusations of anti-conservative bias on their platforms.


The same day that Google heads into the House Judiciary Committee to testify on that issue, Politico reports that Google also signed Oscar Ramirez and Dana Thompson of InSight Public Affairs as lobbyists. That personnel move could mean disturbing policy is around the corner.


Consider their resumes. Both Ramirez and Thompson worked for the Podesta Group, the lobbying firm named after Tony Podesta, brother of Clinton campaign manager John Podesta and a person of interest to the FBI due to his ties to Ukrainian nationals.


Alarming but understandable, that experience isn’t what should tip off Republicans. The GOP should be more concerned that Ramirez and Thompson worked for two of the most unhinged Democrats currently in Congress.


Ramirez was the deputy chief of staff of Rep. Al Green, the Texas Democrat currently trying to impeach President Trump. Though the motion to impeach failed spectacularly last December by a vote of 364-58, Green hasn’t given up his crusade.


Thompson served as legislative director in the office of Rep. Maxine Waters, the California Democrat who thinks the election “was stolen” by Republicans, who wants liberals to mob unsuspecting White House staffers when they step out in public, and who tells her supporters that the GOP is so despicable that “God is on our side.”


With their most recent hires, it seems clear that Google wants the #Resistance on their side.

Anonymous ID: d9b53f July 17, 2018, 1:23 p.m. No.2190374   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>wouldn't surprise me to find out one is Tony Podesta

Then we would certainly find out whose side Mueller is on.

Seems too obvious, and easily impeachable.

Anonymous ID: d9b53f July 17, 2018, 1:32 p.m. No.2190496   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Everyone is pretty sure it wasn't Warren Flood.

Who? Why?

Warren Flood runs his own little IT consulting company doing 'special projects' for DNC campaigns.

Ex Obama and Biden staffer.

Seems like a good fit.