Man I had this one dream a while back I was in a submarine and volunteered to go on some crazy mission in scuba gear to check on some gauge at the bottom of the submarine while it was moving. I completed the mission and when I woke up my entire body was sore exactly like how it would feel wearing all that scuba gear and dealing with the water resistance outside the moving sub.
The sub was having a problem and I volunteered to check the gauge at the bottom of the sub to see if that was the problem. So I went to go check the gauge and all I remember is the reading on the gauge was fine (what exactly it was for I don't know). Then I get back in the hatch and let everyone know the gauge was fine so we don't have to worry about that being the problem. But I remember everyone on the sub was feeding off my courage for taking the risk to go check the gauge because the submarine was moving really close to the ground so I coulda got clipped and killed by barnacles, rocks or whatever at the bottom of the sea floor.
Most important part to mention I guess is while I was checking the gauge and even though in serious danger of being hit by debris, I felt calm like something was watching over me protecting me.