Anonymous ID: 077652 July 17, 2018, 1:55 p.m. No.2190756   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0759



Fuck you with that shit that he wasn't serious. All you are doing is making it worse because no normie, anon, anyone else, or hell even troll would say that shit that you just wrote which means you are connected to that fucktarded group so don't pull that shit to try to control the BS. It's still on his site, he never said he was "kidding" and even if he did it wouldn't work as he would have to explain it. So fuck you with that stupid shit and fuck your fat pig anti American traitorous cunt stolen valor pushing sack of cottage cheese shit boss.

Anonymous ID: 077652 July 17, 2018, 1:58 p.m. No.2190776   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Exactly man, they sold Africans meat from their own dead people. Also look at this shit:


China sells human beat to niggers and they are buying up dead Americans which they have shipped to them in crates (bio weapon testing?).

Anonymous ID: 077652 July 17, 2018, 2:03 p.m. No.2190820   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What about how the Nigadent allowed them to create the control chips for our Army drones? Trump is in office for like a month and then this:


Also the Fat Leonard situation which links to Chinka. Also the ship crashed and helicopter crashes in the South Pacific galore. Who made the ship guidance system chips? Yep… Chinka.

Anonymous ID: 077652 July 17, 2018, 2:11 p.m. No.2190892   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What we need to call out constantly and and every single time without fail is when "white" this is blamed. If they feel they can be offended by anything than they don't get to blame anything on "white" this or that. Long past time people raised a shitstorm about that. Look what happened to the EU because they were too weak to stand up to anything. Need to not let that shit happen in the US and stand up to that shit without fail, every single time, no exceptions and bring the hammer down on whoever does it.

Anonymous ID: 077652 July 17, 2018, 2:39 p.m. No.2191138   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1159


The problem is until there is a breakup of the indoctrination triad they have we are going to continue seeing this shit. As long as they have media, social media and education on faggot lockdown and no competitors displace them or until we ourselves here shift focus to exposing them one by one it will remain the same.


Personally I think that should be our operation while Q is gone and shift over to those three things and begin to publicly expose those from those three things that are anti American, detriments to children, corrupt, etc and then from there the normal fags trying to create news, videos or blog sites can take what we find and spread it. It's the best play in my eyes.

Anonymous ID: 077652 July 17, 2018, 2:40 p.m. No.2191150   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1184


China is our enemy, been saying it for years. They are our enemy and have been stealing from us from years as well as dealing drugs to Americans. Among many other things.

Anonymous ID: 077652 July 17, 2018, 2:45 p.m. No.2191181   🗄️.is 🔗kun


And to do that the government is powerless for the most part which means it falls to people like anons to expose them. We have to expose every dirty teacher immediately when we see them and on a sidenote anons should keep an eye on local youth groups and boys/girls clubs as my investigation has shown that BAMN/ANTIFA and BLM recruit directly from those places and literally put people into positions there to identify troubles kids and indoctrinate.


THIS is the shit places like InfoWars and those types of sites should be smashing into but, no… they are fags and only care about money and fame and just steal our work while claiming they did it. One of you anons needs to make a legitimate news source.

Anonymous ID: 077652 July 17, 2018, 2:50 p.m. No.2191222   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1318


I actually agree with you and believe we will go to war with China. I believe sooner but three is fair I'd say. A US and Russian alliance will definitely move that timetable up as I doubt they will be happy with America having good relations with North Korea and Russia. They will not want that to continue and will do something.

Anonymous ID: 077652 July 17, 2018, 3:16 p.m. No.2191485   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>NOPE he never said Zak WAS Q, always said Zak was better than Q.


Even worse he claimed the faggot was active duty intelligence who would call him from payphones to deliver information. The guy then tries to explain his military service and didn't even get the job title right that he was claiming. Complete embarrassment and slap in the face to military members and Jones should be investigated for stolen valor as it is clear that douche is one of his gremlins and he financially capitalized from it thus meeting the criteria. Lowest of the low scumbag and the Green Beret, Air Force intelligence and Devil Dog private sites have been crucifying him for it.