Anonymous ID: cb5819 July 17, 2018, 2:39 p.m. No.2191139   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I don't think it will be that sudden and clear-cut. But Russia holds some of our debt which they just sold. I'd like a MacroeconomicsFag to weigh in on this, but often a country will do that sort of thing if they have lost confidence in the relationship with the other country.


Or they have inside-information about future decisions.


China holds far more of our debt than Russia . . . but if they smell trouble, they're like to panic and do the same. That constitutes an awful lot of their current wealth. If they were convinced to sell US debt at a steep discount, then other players might be inclined to step in and enjoy the windfall.


It's tangled. Need moar data. And moar expertise.

Anonymous ID: cb5819 July 17, 2018, 2:44 p.m. No.2191175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1211



New here, aren't you?


The point is, we're not here to "get people to listen to us". We're qresearch. We dig, we analyze, we recommend action about one of the biggest crisis of our time. Titties and porn keep the easily-offended and the kids away. So does the rough language.


And anyone who doesn't see the naked human body and human sexuality as a thing of beauty loses my respect from the onset.

Anonymous ID: cb5819 July 17, 2018, 2:50 p.m. No.2191221   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Sure. I get that. But a moderate amount keeps the feminists away, as well as keeping this board from being "quoted" as a news source.


We were chosen for a reason. That includes this environment. Don't change the environment more than you need to.

Anonymous ID: cb5819 July 17, 2018, 3 p.m. No.2191318   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1358 >>1443



China has been angling to get Taiwan back and reforge their Empire since before Mao died. They haven't been the center of the universe since Europe's maritime forces and the Moslem expansion cut off the Silk Road.


They're in a tough spot, with few cards to play. Nuclear forces are dwarfed, and their concentrated population makes our forces that much more efficient. While rich in Rare Earth minerals, they are demonstrably poor in energy. Their army is vast, but that doesn't help them in a naval war. And their recent attempts at establishing a Navy, while valiant, still give them 2 aircraft carriers to our 9. Plus, we ring them with our allies.


I think they were angling with HRC/Hussein to buy enough US debt and destroy enough US industry through trade imbalances to persuade "President' HRC to stand down from seizing Taiwan, and then legitimize the annexation after-the-fact. That's why they bought so much US Treasuries and manipulated their currency to keep the pressure on.


Those plans are dashed, now. They're going to Plan B. The Russian summit was not a good thing, in their eyes.


Wanna know how AnaylstAnon would counter?