Anonymous ID: 1b3e17 July 17, 2018, 4:37 p.m. No.2192390   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2457 >>2543 >>2616 >>2662 >>2734 >>2837 >>2931 >>2982

On the glider/Secret Service agent issue, you guys seriously need to read this shit, this is unbelievable, fucking unreal.


Greenpeace claims they "informed" the police so the police did the police not inform the Secret Service of something they knew ahead of time which posed a huge security risk to the President of the United States?


Not to mention, the fucking government and Prestwick air traffic granted air access to a manned and low flying glider to enter the air space of the POTUS without informing him? Is this a fucking joke?


  • Trump arrives at golf course and is walking up to the door


  • Manned low flying glider approaches at the exact same time (literally) meaning there likely were spotters who alerted them when he left to give them time to reach it at the same time.


  • Aircraft alerts authorities and air tower who granted fucking GREENPEACE access to approach Presidential controlled airspace.


  • POTUS and Secret Service are clearly caught unaware and dash into the building after glider comes within a very short proximity to the POTUS, looks to be 20-30 yards.


  • Glider leaves area and despite getting access to airspace and authority permission a manhunt begins (why if they had permission?)


  • Secret Service has stroke and dies


  • Greenpeace brags on Twitter with a great choice of words:


"We've hit @realDonaldTrump where it hurts - at his golf course. Trump does not believe in climate change. He's pulled the US out of the Paris Agreement, and is committed to burning more climate wrecking coal. We couldn't let him get away with a quiet game of golf… #resist"


That right there is about as high level of speculation one can get for an attempted hit. I mean why launch a manhunt if they had permission? Makes no sense, that was an attempted hit I am convinced.

Anonymous ID: 1b3e17 July 17, 2018, 5:05 p.m. No.2192680   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2744 >>2749 >>2843


After they removed the Italian mob across America things got much worse. The Italian mob was the best criminal group that any county could have as they had rules and when they were ousted it them the worse kind in.

Anonymous ID: 1b3e17 July 17, 2018, 5:14 p.m. No.2192773   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yep, mafia kept the cities clean, wouldn't bother civilians and would kill anyone who harmed children. They would have took out the trash if some ANTIFA protest took place in their cities. Not to mention they guarded ports during WW2. These new gangs and cartels though, animals who care about nothing, will deal to kids, kill whoever, fuck up neighborhoods, etc. The Italian mob is the preferred choice if we have to have crime groups. Look what has happened in inner cities since they were replaced.

Anonymous ID: 1b3e17 July 17, 2018, 5:17 p.m. No.2192797   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I have found that the most vocal America hating people on social media consistently come from Canada first and then Britain (if they live outside the country) and I would say approximately 50+% of all comment spam on social media comes from both and is consistent as fuck with those two places constantly thinking it is okay to tell Americans how to think and what to do. Those places have changed terribly and so fast too. They are not our friends if their words and actions (like the PD allowing the glider in - protest, etc) are to be judged.

Anonymous ID: 1b3e17 July 17, 2018, 5:25 p.m. No.2192858   🗄️.is 🔗kun

By the way, before I forget, this is the "interested" list for that art museum that had Trump having his head cut in Portland.

Anonymous ID: 1b3e17 July 17, 2018, 5:41 p.m. No.2193031   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Another glider dig:


Another man was arrested right on the courses beach:


GreenPeace claims the police gave them permission, the man was let go right after being found (8 hours later), but Scottland PD is seeming to indicate they didn't give them permission:


Also this bitch literally works for the BBC (attached) and look at response… just what the fuck.. fuck Britain…