Anonymous ID: 1bff68 July 17, 2018, 4:36 p.m. No.2192384   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2192034 (lb)

India is in the BRICS and with the OBOR.

Only needs a big deal with the resources.

They're busy with Pakistan


Only the rebellion against the provinces aren't enough. The Chinese were very smart in to put the Mass surveillance in these provinces. They won't go nowhere and the uighurs and other muslims are becoming to the jihadism, as ISIS. Good test for to control the muslims if the agendas are in status.


With Manchuria who knows…Neither they won't give away nothing with the Mongols.


The focus must be more with the middle east, Africa, Europe and the SouthA. While China doesn't threat the world. NP.


Gold/Tech/New place for the assets= Influence



Diamonds. The reason is the diamonds. that could to kill more niggers than any thing in Africa. I wonder if in South Africa begins the problems with the Diamonds again…