Anonymous ID: 226b63 July 17, 2018, 5:17 p.m. No.2192793   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2799 >>2812 >>2819 >>2825 >>2826 >>2830 >>2837 >>2848 >>2886 >>2980 >>2982 >>3053 >>3054



as frustrating as it is to see the msm and libtards and criminals spouting off with their lies - i remain steadfast in the plan


i have many notables and got 3 yous from Q - no bragging as 2 of the you's i got were just coincidence that Q used - but 1 was the lawfag awan comment so that one was substantive - it was exciting


i also had so many great interactions with anons on decodes and posts too and it was the time of my life really - so thanks all of you these were even better than the Q yous


there really is no gray area - potus is either setting the stage to drop the hammer - or he is not


i cannot believe it is not - just inconceivable really - so i must accept my frustration with the understanding that its just not ready yet


i believe there were targets and plans that might have allowed this to occur sooner - but it just wasnt ready


as a lawfag i am certain that all the indictments require a huge amount of work and if sessions is not ready then potus will not pull the trigger


and no doubt kansas and huber and mattis and others all have their own similar complex traps to lay out and spring - so one or more of those could also delay the beginning of the end for the bad guys


on tpo of that there are all the foerign players to organize and get on board - another monumental task even with all the evidence on the world of their crimes in hand it is tough


we are lucky the first big domino fell early - SA - it appears others have fallen into place since but not all


as for domestic actors i cannot comprehend that RM and RR are NOT working with POTUS - if they are truly as corrupt and evil as they appears to be then all is really lost - no way POTUS could allow that unless it was planned or POTUS is powerless - and i cannot believe that


so the good news is there is a clear deadline - the midterms - so whatever else we will all be rejoicing by then - thankful for the opportunity to be part of an epic movement


if not then im done with politics and will head for the hills - to live out my days cuz im as as overbaked as a burnt french fry and will have nothing left to believe in. do NOT expect that but cant put it out of my mind.


God Bless POTUS and all you anons