Anonymous ID: 6b48ef July 17, 2018, 5:25 p.m. No.2192859   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Problem is that our Nation is under siege by many multinational corporations and foreign governments. Over the past 20+ years our leaders have been parting this nation out to the highest bidder. We have China buying Hollywood, hacking our Military personnel as well as setting up shop in our universities and buying our Great Lakes water. We have Israel firsters both Jew and Non-Jew looking out only for their interests. We have Russia buying our Uranium and waging Media war from within. We have Canada setting unfair tariffs. We have the European Union's unfair tariffs, refusal to pay a portion of NATO defense all the while creating a 4th Reich. ( yes boys the Nazis started the EU idea in 1948; creating a currency with far reaching plans to dominate the global stage. Germany wants to buy our Stock Exchange. We have the Middle Eastern Monarchies holding major shares in our media, our farmland. These oligarchs one and all don't contribute to campaigns. They buy People. Don't you get it? They buy People. Like Congressmen/women. And Presidents. Meanwhile our population is being poisoned both spiritually and materially. Opium. From Mexico and Afghanistan.. Cocaine through Hezbollah. You fill in the gaps. This socially engineered collapse has been going on for decades. Meanwhile we fight one another….like animals over a dying carcass.

We need to wake up fully. We need to quit playing petty games. We need to see not the enemy within as much as the exploitations that have turned us against one another.

So. This is just a tiny example of what we as a nation are up against. We look foolish quibbling about the daily provided herding media story of the day–

If Russia meddled in our election we need to demand from our leaders who let that happen? Who let Russia buy our resources? Who sold the Saudis interest in our media? Who negotiated these bad trade deals?


Just Who is really running America? Isn't that what Q is pointing out?


Because it sure isn't us.