Anonymous ID: 929374 July 17, 2018, 5:23 p.m. No.2192839   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2859


You are a fool to judge anything based on what the idjits on Faceberg and Twatter think. Those two entities are censored more than the press was in the Stalinist Soviet Union.


As Yogi Berra said "You can observe a lot by watching." Look at the Q t-shirts and billboards popping up. Look at all the Q items on Amazon, Cafe Press, etc. Look at the traffic on this board and other related ones. For every person who discovers Q they're telling ten others. Some will listen and dig into it, some won't. There is no point in trying to talk to leftards, they're like rabid dogs – too far gone.


Most importantly observe how hard the cabal is trying to shut us down. They wouldn't waste their time on us if we weren't a gigantic threat to them.