Anonymous ID: c5d9e1 July 17, 2018, 4:28 p.m. No.2192307   🗄️.is 🔗kun


the fact that the argument for sessions recusing himself was ever seen as valid is a serious mind fuck


That said; Q laid out a pattern wherein TRUST [Name] comes in to play.


I had been thinking with IG Report some time ago, and for good reason, that Horowitz/Huber have the Hammer and are laying the groundwork for the nail to hit home; and that the friction between POTUS and AG was Show, implanting the seed/idea of justice into the public.

Anonymous ID: c5d9e1 July 17, 2018, 5:34 p.m. No.2192954   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Remember this shit:


A story about how redacted jfk files would remain and how theres nothing we can do about it…







CS: Our president is compromised etc.







Kennedy longed for…


List examples…


"Was Murdered for his beliefs."


' A LOT of people did nt like KENNEDY"


'As I Recall, he was …… etc. D?'


Trying to change things caused problems, he solved a lot of them but couldnt solve them all and bay of pigs was a disaster.


Kennedy wanted to splinter the CIA into the wind.


Today! WE HAVE . Brennen, Mudd, Clapper on CNN. We also have Strozk testimony.




So should a president ALWAYS TRUST his intelligence people?



//POTUS Should set the stage and let loose the war.


We are Ready.




Of any doubts;


let POTUS say in the name of Justice ; I have to say… etc.


"Ive let this charade go on long enough, the american people deserve to know the government was not theirs." "Now its different; We Hear You."

Anonymous ID: c5d9e1 July 17, 2018, 5:43 p.m. No.2193054   🗄️.is 🔗kun



'im the best anon there ever was..""


Q knew that,


And left me alone knowing that I was guiding hyou fags…


No Really,, My posts are A+ and all notables…


Doesnt matter because…


Q doesnt wake the woken.

Something you wrote must of been useful;


Go F yourself and die ; stomp the worm into the ground… etc.


No anon; its fine, and I appreciate you for honing in on whats present and linking it;


Now Go

Fuck Yourself.



Reasonable analysis; what do you think about Q Death; I dont buy it, and in long scheme, irrelevant as planned.