For the third time!
>The bitch is still in hiding. They are still trying to figure out how to steal it.
For the third time!
>The bitch is still in hiding. They are still trying to figure out how to steal it.
Lame duck agenda has been in motion for months now. Look for any staff who can get a golden parachute to desert the sinking ship. Massive resignations and resume updates in progress.
Watch for Biden to pardon anyone who can contribute to his Presidential library fund. Watch for Congress and the deep state to try to may rules that are supposed to stop Trump from implementing his agenda. Watch for the White House furniture, that was left after Hillary stole so much, to be loaded onto moving vans.
Look for Joe to spend even less time at the White House. Good thing, they need to start fumigating the place to make it fit for human habitation once again.
As the Q were saying before being so rudely interrupted: