Anonymous ID: c95fd5 July 17, 2018, 5:45 p.m. No.2193076   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3324

Scores of Syrian civilians approach Israel's Golan Heights border fence in unprecedented move

Scores of desperate Syrian civilians have marched up to the border fence with Israel to plead for sanctuary from a Russian-backed Syrian army offensive sweeping through the country's south.

Key points:


Some of the Syrian civilians approaching the border wave white fabric

Israeli soldier warns them to go back "for your own good"

Hundreds of thousands of Syrians have fled their homes in the past month


The civilians said they took the unprecedented step of approaching Israel's Golan Heights border fence to seek refuge after seeing the bodies of at least 14 people, including women and children, who were killed in the bombing of the nearby village of Ain al-Tineh.


The crowd of people, which appeared to number more than 100, stopped about 200 metres from the border fence, where some waved white fabric at Israeli forces guarding the frontier.


They retreated after an Israeli soldier told them through a megaphone, "Go back before something bad happens."


"We don't want to hurt you. Go back for your own good," the soldier said.