I already have hair in my teeth.
That figures, since Trump and Hannity have arrested the same number of "prominent" demoncrats: 0.
It's almost a joke to post an image like this in the demoncrat shithole we live in now.
Agree. I'm entirely dissatisfied with the state of the country. Only people who have known nothing but Bushbama war economy can think 2018 is glorious to date. It isnt.
I have two degrees from Jesuit Uni.s and I have nothing to do with any of that shit, nor do any of my friends. The biggest issue I see is that whereas these Uni.s used to be quite conservative, theyre now fucking libtarded. It makes me sick.
"What about this Pakistani guy?" I could give you a thousand. "Why isnt anybody doing anything about Hillary Clinton's collusion?" Where you fucking been, watching CNN? The narrative isn't ready. It's the job of the DOJ to put known criminals away! But muh FBI/muh judges. Fucking fire them all, declare martial law and
That's how you turn on the faucet.
It's a tired, boring, lame-ass act.
Frankly, Trump is acting like a fucking pussy who's afraid of what somebody might think.
Murder and rape victims of illegals just need to trust muh plan.
Youve never accomplished anything in any field. People run and hide from me, especially little pussies like (You). (You) are not a We.
Q has been presented as a team since the beginning, not a single person. That's been clear also by the different tones and styles of the posts, esp after Hicks left and Adm Rogers retired.
Getting rid of Flake and McStain will help. Ryan too.
I thought she was being too shrill 6-8 months ago, but she's right. Build the fucking wall, lock /them/ up.
This faggot.
If Europe continues to go leftist muzzie, we will need to adjust our alliances. Europe have been allies because they have been white, Christian countries. Like Russia is now .
The content will have to be authenticated by persons with personal knowledge, like those who sent or received the emails for example.
[RR] is completely full of shit.
2017 was worse according to most. The current state of affairs is not acceptable at all to most older, more experienced Americans. My mom in her 80s is disgusted by current events.
If he ACTUALLY did it, there would be no questions. It's like guessing about the BOOM! bullshit. If you have to ask or point it out, it didnt happen.
There was a similar recent EO on Admin Law Judges. Easier to appoint.
Excuses are what people like you have at the end of their lives instead of accomplishments. "Cant get money to build the wall." "Why isnt DOJ doing anything about Hillary?" Fuck off, loser.
Declaring martial law is a legal act. The DOJ not acting is a travesty of justice and it's disgusting.
That photoshopped BC was TOTALLY INCOMPETENT. Hey, maybe it is Bummer's real BC! The only one he has anyway.
Forehead burn can be a serious issue.
Yeah what a faggot. And I dont mean that in a good way.
I helped a friend get into Georgetown. She ended up as an abortion doctor. My bad.
AGREE. I do NOT like that part of the plan. Help Trump get elected, so to jail? What kind of fucking plan is that?