I'm reposting this again for the night shift to see. I posted in an earlier Bread & immediately had a shill jump on me & say I was the one that somehow posted these posts & literally went after me-just for sharing these posts that I thought were interesting that happened during POTUS speech today. (Over target?)
BO & BV can look at my post history & know I didn't post or I have a history of shilling….which I stated but this shill kept going after my post.
Anyway, these posts occurred either right before or during POTUS speech today & at least I think they stand out.
BO/BV can look at their IP Hash history to see if they are Shills…but I doubt it (but I could be wrong).
Reason why I'm sharing is bc I truly believe that Q team is still here & monitoring. The "lights out & on" during the speech had meaning & I think it was meant for them.