Anonymous ID: ffef1f July 17, 2018, 6:05 p.m. No.2193341   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3353 >>3452

On the Importance of Idea-men, Inventors, & Problem-Solvers to Society


>>2192355 lb

Thanks for this post, anon. Got my almonds going on an issue I think about a lot, & post about from time to time.


The true autists (high-skill/intelligence patriots) have been sidelined and maligned by the (((cabal))) on purpose. Cunts like lb have been falsely propped up on the stolen fruits of our labor by (((them))) too. But those days are coming to an end. The natural order will be restored, and we will be able to rebuild a society where we appreciate and support one another for our varied contributions rather than destroy and steal, as is the dominant culture of the current degenerate age.


"Autists" were put here to help people, but it's not an easy gig. You see things, what's wrong, what needs to be done, connections from here to there, and are COMPELLED to do something with it. If you can't, it drives you nuts. When you get stuck on a problem, or when shit-cunts get in your way poke-poke-poking, you almost choke on your own reeee'ing. And yet you still don't give up. Because of the compulsion. You know if you set it down, whatever critical issue or possibility you've noticed, no one else will pick it up. What are you gonna do, just let the world burn? We can't. That's why we're still here working with little support. No pay, no personal recognition. Only the satisfaction of a job well done. And Q… Q helps, kek.


When a society's idea-men, its inventors, its problem-solvers ARE given the support and environment in which they excel, everyone benefits. This is how we got our light bulbs and microprocessors and constitution in the first place. Rising tide raises all boats, right? Q knows this. His coming here isn't just about using our platform/knowledge to wake normies about past abuses, it's also about helping them rebuild. It's about showcasing the value of this type of thought/service, to restore faith in it by the rest of the population. A faith that has purposely been poisoned by misplaced envy and distrust by the enemy that would use that division against all of us.


We'll get there. Just keep plugging away anons, patriots. Strive to be better discerners/callers out of bullshit, as well as better nose-to-the-grindstone workers no matter the noise surrounding you. Just remember we win in the end. WWG1WGA