The chosen one…
If "Q" was to post right now…this board couldn't handle it…first the post would instantly go viral and we would have millions of people on here instantly trying to capture the post and chat with "Q"…don't think it will happen soon…
I could be wrong…
We should have Ron White as Press Secretary…that would be a blast…
They did a movie about it…there is just a bit of a delay at the moment.
You keep spewing this FAKE Trump's vaccine…no one is buying it…
17 million votes on the floor…Is anyone coming to claim them???
My take on them is this…
They FAKED the 17 million…then tried to bring in 17 million illegal immigrants in hopes of replacing those ghost voters…
They failed.
Election is now over, they won't give a shit about the illegal immigrants now…they tried…it failed and now the immigrants won't serve any of their purposes…they will stop paying for everything concerning their purpose here.