>Almost all voting groups shifted toward Trump, except American Jews.
Kek. That's leftist propaganda, Anon. >>21935801
>Jews voted for Trump everywhere in the 30-40%
Sauce? Or are you citing FrontPage Mag, like this ID10-T did?
>Almost all voting groups shifted toward Trump, except American Jews.
Kek. That's leftist propaganda, Anon. >>21935801
>Jews voted for Trump everywhere in the 30-40%
Sauce? Or are you citing FrontPage Mag, like this ID10-T did?
>And dumb faggots cling to an outdated and exposed divide and conquer narrative.
Kek. Indeed, Fellow White Person™. (vidrel)
Kek. I pointed out that crotch itch wasn't in this picture yesterday.
>Could this Q post which will be a 6 year delta on 11/13 be the result?
That's the opine, as of late. They stole 2 of the last 4 for (((Rosen))) and former C_A Glownigger (((Slotkin))). Lake is slated to lose in AZ. She rocked the boat too much so the (((Arizona Mafia))) is taking care of her. McCormick is going to win PA. That's the split. [(((TheY)))] are more focused on the House. They can't let Trump take the House, but they have to outright steal seats from solid red counties in CA in order to do it. Impossible odds that won't evade scrutiny.
>Reddit coping isn't going well
Kek. Faggots are too low-IQ to see the actual writing on the wall. Hilarious.
> They are way too cooperative for Democratgs
They're banking on their unhinged base to cause riots and destruction to declare martial law, so they can attempt to hold onto power.