Your big rock is fake and gay
I'm going to keep repeating this even if you morans will never understand it.
You were lied to by everyone about everything for your entire life. BUT! the one book that has controlled the minds of your ancesters for generations has to be the one single truth?
If "they" are so scared of your God, why do they print your Bible and sell it to you?
>Proceeds to no understand as expected.
That has to be the biggest cope I've seen today. And I've watched lefty meltdown compilations. Kek.
>trust what God has said.
>>Trust what someone convinced your ancestors that God told a dude to write in a book.
There, fixed it for you.
>nobody is forcing you to believe. It's a free country.
Nobody is forcing you not to.
But it's a free country. I'm free to call out BS when I see it.
Gotta love the personal attacks, rather than refuting my arguments.
It really screams confidence in your faith.
>then why the whining like a little bitch?
Hahaha… the only whining I see are all you resorting to personal attacks because I said something you disagree with.
>If it we're Gods word it should be called God's Bible.
>If King James edited God's Bible, then it should be called The King James Bible.
Edited? Are you implying that there is a version of the Bible that is the unedited word of God?