Anonymous ID: 7c810e July 17, 2018, 6:58 p.m. No.2193975   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3999


Oh man…you have no idea. It's so God damn annoying.

"Oh my God! POTUS schedule said a word that Q said 3 weeks ago! It MUST be a sign!"

"No coincidences! Amirite!?"



I use to like the posts a lot, until RETARDED FUCKING cunts Forced it into this board and FORCED it to be something it's 100% NOT. Oh, and I call the person who runs that account a little faggot because he could EASILY clear everything up & say

"Hey, I'm just a fellow Patriot doing my part by keeping everyone informed of POTUS's schedule. WWG1WGA!"

OR something like that….

Q said NO OUTSIDE COMMS. Apparently that doesn't apply to someone who runs a cool Twitter account with the word "official" in the description.

Anonymous ID: 7c810e July 17, 2018, 7:07 p.m. No.2194062   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I haven't tried to make a chat or anything yet, but I'm very curious if it's just one person who always posts "ThanQ" or 2 people.

But I now see you spelled it "ThankQ" so you won't be added to the chart.

Anonymous ID: 7c810e July 17, 2018, 7:31 p.m. No.2194319   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Travistock was one of the 1st Companies I looked into during the Clinton email fun in 2016. It's intertwined into everything. Everything.


>not a troll, just fucking sick and tire of all the normies on here and their endless stupid shit they post. OMG…Barron is gonna be king of russia, LOOOOOK he looks just like Alexi…FUCKING fucktards


Agree 100%. It's getting sad. And not in a good way. Some are Newfags, some are addicts that need a fix so they will agree & run with anything that others bring up, and a few are troll who just enjoy the chaos. The rest are the shills that stir it all up in the 1st place & then gather up the pitchforks to hand out to the newfags to attack the anons that call that shit out. Gang mentality. The shills are getting easier to spot though which is nice.


> but most likely..passed on due to the fucktards that decided THE QUESTION was WHO IS Q…instead of WILL YOU DECLASSIFY…


And this one…Oh man. I agree with you there as well. Again, the gang mentality starts to kick in & all it takes is for one person to call you a shill for saying the truth, which it causes the others to agree no matter what(they don't want to feel stupid for pushing the who is Q shit) and join in with the shill accusations.

It's becoming a shit show.

when this all is concluded, at the bare minimum, they will have one hell of a social experiment to analyze for years to come

Anonymous ID: 7c810e July 17, 2018, 7:42 p.m. No.2194423   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4455 >>4478 >>4495 >>4498 >>4511



NOT NOTABLE. This ass hat has been trying ALL FUCKING DAY to get it into notables.

I will repeat myself for the 5th time:

they use an unknown resource that DOES NOT provide source for that "FBI Document" it was given to the writer bullshit, but also, NOT A REAL SOURCE.

They also take shit straight from the notables HERE & use some of them word for word.


Eat a fucking big DICK for trying to push MegaLARPAnon here again.

You are a pathetic twat

Anonymous ID: 7c810e July 17, 2018, 7:51 p.m. No.2194509   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4520


so Patrick, did you guys regroup and this is the new thing you're going to push all fucking day into the night?

Bring it Homo. I'll call you fuckers out every God Damn time.