Anonymous ID: 802214 July 17, 2018, 7:46 p.m. No.2194456   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I find it amusing when, after all of this, that someone questions Trump's judgment. Like some pathetic know-nothing commentator or violent jew neocon who wants to set the world on fire knows better or has more information than GEOTUS. Why exactly should we accept your judgment over that of our God-Emperor on any issue? What credibility do you have? Screeching at us does not convey competence on your part. President Trump has shown himself a master negotiator. Exactly how has he been wrong on the economy, or job growth, or negotiations with North Korea, etc. etc.? I've yet to see him make a serious mistake. I see no reason to stop trusting him. Indeed, the screeching of the deep state shills (Brennan, MSM) just shows we are on the right track. Hang in there Patriots, and enjoy the show. Our enemies will hang soon.