Anonymous ID: 9aa14f July 17, 2018, 7:48 p.m. No.2194488   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The bullshit media and the lefties have escalated over the top. One way or the other this is gonna explode and shit is gonna fly everywhere. If they keep escalating then its only a matter of time before people take to the streets in ways that most of us won't like. I may be the outlier because I wouldn't mind at all if this happens.


The movement is supposed to be non-violent, but there are many stories about violence against Trump supporters that don't get reported by the fake alphabet media. I'm with you. It may very well come down to kill or be killed. These fuckers are not people who can be reasoned with. They have made their choice and the battle lines are drawn. Some here will call you a shill for stating the obvious, but if an Antifa faggot attacks you with a weapon on the street will you just stand there and take it?