Anonymous ID: cc6d15 July 17, 2018, 7:32 p.m. No.2194331   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I see Q as a sort of intermediary figure or character.

Q may well not be returning to post here… But it is according to the plan to play out that way.

We have what we need and seem to have the map. That is what the map is for. It seemed rather obvious to me from the beginning that the time would come for Q to depart and likely not return.

I could be wrong… He could post while I am typing this.


Point is, Q's role is tied to a mission or a specific operation. Once that mission or operation is complete, Q is done. There are more stages to the plan, that is what the map is for, and there are other parts of the plan that will evidence themselves as time goes on. Perhaps other figures like Q, perhaps things completely different.


In the mean time… I am polling my old contacts and building a team. I am close to something that needs some delicate handling (calling in anons on it is a blunt force strategy akin to orbital bombardment… Which is basically a 'fuck it…' let's see what happens when we burn this bridge" type of action.)