Anonymous ID: f431d9 July 17, 2018, 6:59 p.m. No.2193979   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4353

The MSM and Dems need a refresher course in Nursery School. I'm thinking especially of "The Little Boy Who Cried Wolf" and "Chicken Little". Both constantly act like the world is coming to an end because of this or that DJT has done. Then we wake up and – surprise– we are still here. That rubber band is so stretched out there is no more elasticity. They have even driven many of their faithful away. Just look at ratings and the Walk Away movement.


You almost have to feel sorry for them – like I would a poisonous snake in my house. They have no scruples and will go for the jugular if we were ever stupid enough to give them power back.