your quote is inappropriate for the photo that was displayed in the previous post.
so they work in a kind of purgatory?
do they even realize that they are living in a low-rent hell-hole as slaves?
Remember: the deep state had access to the Hunter Biden laptop.
they may have been using it all these years to blackmail the Bidens.
who knows.
Ding dong the witch is dead!
the money came from FEMA some say.
the moeny was then laundered thrugh the substandard housing and welfare benifits and people were put in places to be profit centers for connected democrats who would be great profit from supplying the 'services' to this new group of welfare slaves.
basic point: it was a way for disreputible cabal to make windfall profits off of housing and feeding this new group of 'voters' who they would then be able to 'collect valuble prizes' for with subsidies for education, health care, welfare, and other voucherized services, at the expense of all the rest of us. Meanwhile the new subclass of Democrat voters would basically be an imported group of poor to pad the census in Democrat areas.
and as they don't vote that would mean that democrats could have areas with few voters so that they could be guaranteed seats in legislatures.
the posts that try to train people to talk like degenerate creeps in order to neuter them in the way that they interact.
not funny, not truthful, just more MK-Ultra training.
tagged you by accident. Sorry.
So did they live in a bubble of their own invincibility?
clueless managers are always the last to know?
What do the rank and file G-men think?
and by G-men I mean also G-gals and G-we-don't-know.
Anti-trust the FBI! Put the good ones into other forces.
Take away their base in DC.
convert their new buildings to low-income housing.
put the corrupt leaders under scrutiny and possibly up for prosecution.
you're not sorry.
you try to train people to speak and act like degenerates to neuter them in the political arena.
are the three of you sitting side by side?
seriously your time here is fleeting away.
get another job before your offices are raided and you are all carted off to be interrogated and possibly prosecuted.
how can you hear my voice?
so there are four of them doing the shilling.
again: you ought to consider a new career.
and so to promiscuous straight sex and bar-fly pickup behavior?
The Fed overlords set it up that way.
Remember the pay their 'profits' back to the government but
they dont' have audits for the costs of all their activities.
Basic point: it's a bank owned by private people who have an exclusive franchise as if they are a soverign entity.
and the idea that they 'pay back' the profits is a scam in many many ways because they don't tell anyone what their expenses are, or where their money is spent.
The US is a vassal of the cabal and the Federal Reserve Banks are the franchise that acts like the heads of it.
if you understood how that effects foreign nations who have to use the dollar you'd be enlightened as to why the Federal Reserve is a pox upon the whole world.
Inflation when it happens here happens far far worse in foreign nations that have to pay for stuff in American currency.
your sarcasm is noted, anon.
why don't you enlighten us as to why the Federal Reserve are vampires on other peoples profit making activities.
maybe you could explain 'capitalization of assets' and how that is often phony and designed to enrich cabal children and make them sudden millionaries?
Or explain why the Fed doesn't pay state or federal income taxes?
here is another topic for you to research: how the Federal Reserve stole all the gold in the 1930s and how they destroyed the National Banks, which were very very many and had their own issues of paper money.
or how the Federal Reserve basically hosted the 'occupy' movement in various cities, and how cabal children were camping out and have sex parties in the parks around the Federal Reserve of Boston and acting like it was a festival right at their doorstep?
come on, anon, explain to us about the corruptoin of the Federal Reserve Banks.
next topic: why JFK was targetted when he decided to issue red seal 100 dollar notes and possibley expand that method of providing currency.
or how the minting capacity of the treasury became meaningless when coins were no longer silver and gold.
or how Federal Reserve allowed venture capital people to loot pensions funds, like what happened in Silicon VAlley a few years back, and how all the people who did that got a get-out-of-jail free card?
Explain how start ups from foreign nations seems to get all the venture capital even though they are ostensibly based in Silicon Valley?
Bolt holes are expensive, anon!