Sorry I'm late bossman
damn I need that 2nd mug
What a shame, he's got a voice for TV
Sorry but sometimes a well-placed retarded faggot trumps any form of refined articulation
No spoopy link
Don't show at my house anon :D
fucked bigly
Put these guys in there or you're a retarded faggot.
I'm not trying a fucking thing I learned it here FAGGOT.
I don't talk like this to normies or strangers.
Advice taken, let's continue.
had I appropriate accessory I shalt had made it myself.
Sorry for snapping but some faggot was up my ass about retarded shit.
that shit needs an update
Allegedly Kameltoe had $1billion for her "campaign"
while POTUS Trump had 300mil…
andyet somehow Kameltoe ended up -20mil in debt ….. funneling methinks but that's just me
What on God's green earth is that? Cardi B is retarded but she doesn't kill wood like whatever the fuck that is. Post the x link, I want to meme that
I did read every word but that is not Cardi B. That's MK Ultra
it has Chin Hairs and No Hair
so rdy for this shit show to conclude
oh shit? she needs moar vodka and barbituate