I have never seen anything like the environment in this country ever before. I have memories of Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush(s), Clinton, Obama, and Trump. The media was hard on Reagan and Bush II. Nothing like this.
We are at a crossroads. Openly Socialist and Communistic people are now being elected. Although our current environment with social media and the 24/7 news cycle has turned us into more of a Mobacracy than anything else, we are headed in a bad direction. My heart goes to all of the Sailors and Soldiers who fought for independence and to prevent the takeover of Europe and the spread of Communism in other parts of the world. What they all fought against is now within us. Our politicians and representatives are nothing more than pawns to bring more money into their party; with a few select at the top with too much control. There is no representation in the United States anymore. Only for those who can line the pockets of the politicians and party.
The unbridled hate from the Left is frightening. Sitting in their echo chamber making uninformed decisions while comfortably dwelling in their echo chamber. They scare me. Am all for for differences of opinion. I come from a different time and age where Collectivism was frowned upon. God help my country.
I am not sure who Q is. Have never met or talked to a person related to this. Have been following since last October and was oddly enough on the half chan to read the first post. I understand "Trust the Plan" and yet do not know specifically what the plan is. Am not saying Q is a Larp. What I am saying is that you all need to trust yourselves. Trust what you believe in. Take care of yourselves, family, and friends. First and foremost, the Left needs to be dropped a notch or two. Something big needs to drop and as long as I have been alive it has never happened. I have no faith unlike many of you that the corrupt will be held accountable. Only small fish.
Elections are coming up and if history repeats itself the party of the sitting President loses control of the House. I suspect this to happen again. If that happens, kiss Trump goodbye. The only people winning any games right now are the Democrats. Sorry if you can not see that. The media will hide everything for them. It begs the question…"If nobody hears a tree fall in the woods, did it fall?" It did, but nobody knew about it.
There needs to be a drop…a boom…etc.
I'll do it for you…Sincerely, concernfag.