>>2194238 (lbs)
there was literally no danger...this is another OMG conspiracy slide..we saw the video...there were no gunshots or other sounds of ASSASSINATION. But this will keep the Somalians busy for the next week.
>no, not white.
well that's lovely..
you're welcome anyway.
>Nope, the West is Christian, those 2 are supremacist ideologies.
Only in your weee brain. The US is not a xian country, it is secular and it needs to stay that way. And if YOU want to keep your freedoms, will NOT inflict your religious RULE on people who want no part of it.
TRUMP won because the centrists, independents and others do not believe hes a fundi xian, and the second it seems he is allowing your lot to push this country in that direction, is the second he will loose support ALL over the fucking place. HE has support because MAGA not because religitard.
SO, make fucking note of this...right the fuck now. I won't go back to xian rule, I won;t life under any religious rule. And I'd bet you a MILLION dollars ALL walkaways will sit there and tell you the same damn thing. SECULAR rule or fuck off.