Jeez there is so much stuff Q has alluded to that has not happened yet.
It is like the whole plan has not even started.
We really don't need any more Q . There should be plenty to watch from here on out.
Jeez there is so much stuff Q has alluded to that has not happened yet.
It is like the whole plan has not even started.
We really don't need any more Q . There should be plenty to watch from here on out.
Your posts are the wrong color.
Have you researched script blockers?
You really need to learn about that or you could catch a very bad virus here. You don't want to end up in jail.
You are catching flack because you appear to have a malware virus, which we see by the color of your posts.
Apparently you forgot to activate the script blockers?
Your virus can not only damage your device but can download illegal material.
Very bad news.
Safest move is to quickly submerge the device in water. Obviously unplug it first if plugged in.
Leave it submerged for 5 minutes and you should be fine.
They just moved to the haciendas to work, and today we know them as "Mexicans"
More likely we get new Nasims and ramped up planefagging.
Heavens no