Bingo, let's go a bit further. Bad actors knew this already and they know during this time they know Q is not going to be on because the noose is closing in on them and the Q team and likely the military do not wan't to give them any more information till the truth comes out. Because of this they are making up fake news about Q being arrested or "eliminated" "killed" and they know they are not going to have Q pop in either, at least not yet.
They are looking to see how gullible people are right now, good news is not very much. They have moved on from panic mode into hysteria mode, what comes after hysteria is something I don't know, likely riot mode. There is likely a date they know of now where they have to derail everything to avoid their crimes becoming public knowledge (as if it already wasn't). Its going to get more crazy people, I'd suggest settling down, remain vigilant and comfy for the time being till the show begins. July is far from over.