Stop playing w yourself Kent..
Agreed.. what drones, whatthey doing?!?
Pretty cool actually. That 1000 points of light refrence pretty good
War Drummer who reads the posting or SB2?
I am glad i picked up the electric shill-swatter.
Every damn kind is oat in force too.
FE hasnt checked in yet
She is one of those sucicided girls i think.. look at her tatts of cousin larry..
May be on a huge server or what? I have roughly 90T of harddrive space which is equal to ~25 harddrives. Of course that is depending on size, but its a fuck ton of data and it wouldnt fit in a soccerball thats for fucking sure.
One must not have to get permission to share ones scat collection w newfags..
Didnt read all your text.. saw redheads need sauze..
I DO make sense, it is (You) who are ignorant.. by all means go fuck yourself.. no need for an invitation. But please do it in private.
Press briefing from hours ago? Might want to look back aboat 10 breads