Don't allow 80 IQ shills to deprecate Reuben sandwich. "Pride of Safed" is 1 tasty sammich +++
You are talking like a wedgetable on an animalia forum.
Try asking "why is ma head heptosymmetric" on "Pongnid Grievances" formula on the shill hiring forums.
Here at Warner Discovery we're always looking for new ideas to keep NPCs arguing drinking beer and betting Sportseball. Maybe you can help. If you are rated a class d shill or better and have more the 33 posts …
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We never should have got rid of the trivium.with better public education we'd have 7534 flavors of ommercially available spaghetti sauce instead of 2319.
"You can't see if you can see rappers fucking little boys with the lights off when the lights are on."
– A. Einescweine, IAS