Only a select few can bring the hype quite like (In)Accuweather consistently does.
If those niggas was smart they'd be all yeah great picks bravo.
Then the rest of us would be like ayo hol up, Kristol likes them???
Noooooo it's a trap!!!
You can't exactly rule him out as being Q.
Not saying he is, just saying you can't say he isn't.
Well, I guess if MOS = Media Object Server then EM must = Eddie Munster.
Only Proto On can stop Pilotor at this point.
It's kinda like chemo tho if they go that route.
Thanks a whole bunch, Elon.
Now the board is going to be inundated with Dear Diary blog posts for the next few days.
If you're talking about the ones before Old Glowie settled in there really wasn't an established one back before that one.
It all came out of the warroom folks - the same set of anons that got big mad at Gerbil which pretty much ended that early subgroup of QR.
I no longer remember the exact specifics either, but the MAGA Lion portion of the banner was always controversial (is it compd or not style).