What's this latest next big thing for at least half a bread all about?
What's this latest next big thing for at least half a bread all about?
Damn, Gutz, save some for the rest of us.
Oh, ok.
The viral marketing campaign made it appear to be something bigger than it really is.
As usual.
>I'd rather Filter you instead.
Yeah, that's a no-go for you, TORie.
The rules here for using TOR clearly state:
No image posting
No filtering
Ooooh, you just wait until Dart shows up and sees your shit.
When Gorefag shows up many such anons start naming off all their fav recent habbenings as being the cause.
The reality is it's just 1 of the resident board schizos big mad over stupid shit.
Like 1 time he was all big mad about a sudden surge of the helvitica ont being used in memes.
Boom! Out comes the gore.
I gotta give credit to the staffer that came up with that zinger for her.
It was a pretty good one.
That TORie prolly gonna claim only (13) of those belonged to her.
No way to prove it's F&G so wattayagonnado?
The Morrissey album cover that never was right there.