lookin' kek
She was pretty when she was innocent and first joined the press pool as a honey trap.
Now she just looks like a young Kaitlin Jenner
For the record: you do realize that anyone posting from TOR will have the 000000 id.
So it could potentially be an aggregate of people.
James Woods shares a clip of Bill Maher’s pre-election smugness that will blow you away…
When you think of the words “smug” and “elite,” the first thing that usually comes to mind is the Democrat Party. They’ve become the party of wealthy, arrogant elites, sneering at the ‘little people’ and mocking the peasants’ wishful thinking. It’s almost hard to believe that not so long ago, they were seen as the party of the working class.
But when President Trump came down that escalator nearly a decade ago, he shattered the illusion that the left was fighting for the middle class. True to form, they ripped off their mask and showed their true, pompous colors—and it’s been a wild ride ever since.
Sure, we know how elitist and condescending liberals are—but sometimes, you see something that just blows you away by how truly smug and nasty they can be. This clip that conservative actor James Woods shared of Bill Maher and Dr. Phil perfectly captures that ugly attitude. In this pre-election moment, Bill shows just how out of touch he really is, flaunting his high-and-mighty elitism, even though on his HBO show, he regularly pretends to be “in touch” with the common man and what’s really going on.
But it’s all an act. Every single bit of it.
Maher is just like every other Democrat: a snob who thinks he knows far more than he actually does, living in a bubble, completely removed from reality, and aimlessly spouting nonsense disguised as bold, savvy predictions.
Global Engagement Center
RINO John Cornyn’s favorite left-wing ‘disinformation department’ now facing closure…
If you’ve ever wondered if the uniparty is real, just take a look at what your GOP Senators are up to in their spare time. Take RINO Senator John Cornyn, who’s been deeply involved in a left-wing “disinformation” group that uses the old Russia, Russia, Russia nonsense to run a so-called foreign disinformation department. Elon Musk suspects it’s actually a front to control social media behind the scenes, and he’s probably right.
This group, called the Global Engagement Center, claims to work on exposing and stopping disinformation from foreign governments like Russia and China. Too bad no one’s stopping the steady stream of lies coming from our own US government, right?
The good news is that time may be up for the group. According to a new report, Cornyn’s pet project is on track to close down.
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