Maybe Adam was not the first person, he was just the first person with a soul.
I think it means crazy & perverted.
anti-racist anti-white
That's as funny as the ADL claiming they are against all Hatred when they openly hate non-Jewish White people
I think he is making fun of the Jews.
He is making fun of the Rev. Al Sharpton and the Rev. Jessie Jackson. They think that the title of Rev. gives them significance. He is a satire of them.
Sports bra squishes them flat so they don't bounce around
Catholic mythology
prevents big busted women from giving themselves black eyes
Sharpton became an ordained minister in the Pentecostal church at the age of 10.
Is Glenn Beck a gatekeeper?
trying again with text higher up
Yes, I like that better.
It makes it pop a little more.
thanks for the meme tip
Some Feminists have valid complaints.
I believe that there are nefarious people who purposely dismissed women, purposely objectified them, purposely made laws to dehumanize them, in an effort to get the Feminists to gather steam, to create division.
Same as they did to the Black population.
Now who would possibly be behind that?
>this is nothing to do with feminism this is using stupid women to do their dirty evil work.
They could just as easily have used a stupid man. Why are they using women this way? When they make women look like a bunch of evil fuck ups, they are creating division. Putting incompetent women into roles that they are unqualified for and then they screw up makes all women look bad and stupid.
Mission accomplished.
I'm not one that thinks that women should be doing men's work, and visa versa. If there is a fire at my house, I want firemen to show up, not firewomen. What I'm saying is that the goal is to create division. Put women into jobs that they are not qualified to do and then when they screw up watch the men scream about it and blame it on the fact that they are women. That's how they create division.
Sounds like Jews get the better end of this bargain.
What do the Christians get? Ripped off?
The less thing we need is more women in politics.