Where are the self driving personal helicopters?
That's what I'm waiting for.
Type in destination coordinates and then wake me up when we get there.
Where are the self driving personal helicopters?
That's what I'm waiting for.
Type in destination coordinates and then wake me up when we get there.
Dems. can't win if they don't cheat.
All Dems. "voted" into office got there via cheating methods.
oh, now they like the Constitution?
What about the Left chipping away at the Bill of Rights for the past 100 years?
or Candace Owens
The meek shall inherit the Earth.
I never heard of a dog being humble.
So is an untrained dog arrogant?
Their families keep them home and love them instead of subjecting them to the public schools where they are terrorized.
>Can we just get a really pretty actress
That ship sailed when they cast Rosie O'Donnel to play cute little Betty Rubble in the Flintstones.
Shabbat in Tel Aviv?
I want to see election ballots printed only in English.
If a person must be a US citizen to vote, and to be a US citizen, a person must be able to read & write English, why are election ballots printed in anything besides English?
This is why men need women.
To keep them from doing stupid shit like this.
Mom told Dad to watch the kid while she went out somewhere, and stupid dad thought it would be a great time to mow the lawn, because he always thought that staying home and watching kids was a no brainer.
I know a woman who went out of town for a weekend and left her toddler with her husband. He told her about all of the projects that he was going to accomplish while she was gone.
When she came back she asked him if he got any of his project done.
He replied that he couldn't get a damned thing done while he was watching that kid. That kid demanded all of his time and attention.
But obviously this stupid dad thought that he could mow the lawn instead of watching the kid.
Instead of being ridiculed for being stupid, he is praised for being able to juggle a lawnmower and a toddler at the same time.
Maybe next time Dad will get his priorities straight and value his child over his lawn.
You can't have it both ways.
Point out that an anon sounds like a woman and then say that there are no genders on qesearch.
Which one is it?