Anonymous ID: 2dd26b July 18, 2018, 8:38 a.m. No.2199412   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Is the post-summit fallout a really big deal? I can anecdotally say NO it isn't.


There's a particular music-related email-based (old skool style from the 90's still going strong) "forum" that I've been a member of forever. Bored with it for a long time, but stick around because it's a perfect barometer of what lefites really think due to it being semi-private and obscure. On it you can find unfettered beliefs that aren't skewed or postured like you see on all the social media platforms. I've permanently saved all the post-election meltdowns as there were some great classics in there. I bring this up because:


1) The last thing they got their panties in a wad over was how POTUS was being a douche about the poor little dreamer wannabees being separated from parents.

2) There were mild anti-POTUS grumblings when Kennedy announced his retirement recently.

3) There have been NO mentions at all about the POTUS/Putin summit - nobody cares even a little bit.

4) Even the more hardcore types (but still not at the Antifa level) are just droning on about the last vinyl records they wore the grooves out on.

5) This tells me that all the post-summit hoopla is just Mockingbird Media only and doesn't register much in the overall "normie" lefty consciousness.