Anonymous ID: 467600 July 18, 2018, 8:34 a.m. No.2199386   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9397 >>9409 >>9653 >>9943

Anyone have the post where anon correlates the Great Awakening to a satanic "Great Harvest"? In which there will be a comet and illuminati believe they will dupe us all into believing this great new age is coming, only to use technology to make the comet hit earth and thus ensuing a mass sacrifice to lucifer.


Either we've been duped or Trump is setting up the counter-force to this (space force) and the white hats are playing on the name the illuminists have chosen for the awakening period before. They don't care if we awaken before this "harvest" as in the end we will all be globally sacrificed if their plans are carried out. This is/was to take place in 2029.

Anonymous ID: 467600 July 18, 2018, 8:58 a.m. No.2199578   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9648 >>9725


But this >>2199397, from 10 years ago, speicifically says Great Awakening exactly how Q uses it. New age crap or not, our vibrations are elevating and that's not a bad thing. The frequency of our energy rises as we break out of this satanist control grid. They are prepared for this and to retain control they have already planned for a "controlled" awakening in which the world is to be united under Lucifer at the end. The problem here is WE, the "awakeners" are mostly with Christ and will not be fooled as we know what God warned us of. Q also has quoted the Bible many times.


What the illuminists claim is that angels will be sent here to guide us through the awakening. Sounds like the fallen. Could it be many of us who feel different, like we were put here with a purpose are actually the reincarnated fallen? Are we being given some chance from God to conduct this in a way that wakes people up to the satanists and away from the new age crap they must push on everyone to start their "harvest"?

Anonymous ID: 467600 July 18, 2018, 9:23 a.m. No.2199826   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I guess they must have been allowed to get so far for the awakening/rising up to happen. But this awakening cannot and will not be the fake WWE shit show they want it. No more illuminist control. I don't wanna hear shit that they played their part in a beautiful plan, the days of your big master plans are over and your harvest ain't happening. The people are taking back what is theirs and yes we are entering a new age of higher energy, it's called GOD'S KINGDOM being brought to Earth as promised. Our God didn't give them forever to rule over us.