Anonymous ID: 5f7765 July 18, 2018, 8:30 a.m. No.2199364   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9419 >>9457 >>9506

Love and respect to our many, and many Jew anons.

As a communicant of the Anglican church this anon had the pleasure of discovering the religion I was born was the vehicle used to perpetuate a massive fraud. The Anglican clerical bureaucracy raped and trafficked native children in Canada; to everlasting shame, and the head of the church is the pedovore queen of England.


When this anon took communion for the first time, for the first and only time in my life also fainted. Maybe because there was nothing in that descrated host, or because it was spiritual poison, idk. it was clear that the Spirit was not present as years of instruction at taught me to believe. "The body and blood of Christ" might have been cheetos and cat piss.

You wouldn't expect the Divine presence to be found in the styrofoam chips of a human trafficking organization; but anon was 12, anon didn't know.


Jew anons know the holocaust story as propagated by a fund raising bunch of crooks is a scam. They also know that three million Jews were systematically exterminated in the east, in Poland, and David Irving agrees.

How the orders came from the satanist Rothschild idk but assume they did.

It's in Irving's book.

So we are here all of us deal with the trash of our common past so that we may ALL find a way to live in peace and to break the endless cycle of revenge and retribution that the demons withing us have so far been able to perpetuate through our history.


With Pepe's help and Q's we do the best we can, to uncover, assemble and disseminate the truth and we let the chips fall where they may.


It's embarrassing an unsemly to mastrababate in celebration as our Nazi shills do over the discomfiture of others.


You might see at a demonic sex magic, if you believe in that shit idk.


It's not a chatroom is it?


Dig Meme Pray

Anonymous ID: 5f7765 July 18, 2018, 9:33 a.m. No.2199933   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9960


The decent journo were of course driven out liked diseased dogs when the print industry tanked. Only the very lowest shills and CIA plants are "star journos" today.

Even the "bastion of journalistic ethics" the Columbia Journalism Review took a 7 million dollar donation from the hedge fund Tourbillion and did not run the pending story of financial market manipulation.


The list could probably be expanded, but the ones one it all belong in jail.