Anonymous ID: 643801 Danske Bank - Money laundering Investigation - North Korea, Iran and Bowder!! July 18, 2018, 8:07 a.m. No.2199222   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9326 >>9368


NOOOTABLE - 7$ Billion Russian Money laundered !!


HELSINKI — Danske Bank, Denmark’s leading financial services group, is under investigation by Danish authorities for multiple cases of money laundering through its Talinn-based branch, Danske Bank Estonia (DBE), between 2007 to 2015.


More significantly, the investigation being headed by Denmark’s Financial Supervistory Authority (FSA) will examine reports that money laundered through DBE was used to finance weapons deals between North Korea and Iran in 2009.


Initial investigations by regulatory authorities in Denmark and in Estonia suggest that upwards of $7 billion, much of it originating from Russia and Moldova, may have been laundered through DBE over a 10-year period.


“There can be no doubt that what is being investigated in Estonia falls under the management responsibility of Danske Bank,” said Lars Rohde, the Governor of Nationalbank, Denmark’s central bank.



The Danish FSA are being helped in their investigation by American businessman William Browder, a founding director in Hermitage Capital Management. The investment fund and asset management company that specialized in Russian markets since the 1990s.


Browder, the man behind the passage of a series of sanctions known as the “Magnitsky Act” in the U.S., plans to file a criminal complaint against Danske Bank.


“There needs to be a thorough investigation as to where the monies that left Russia came from, how they were laundered in Estonia, and what the money was used for after this point,” said Browder.


Browder intends to lodge his criminal complaint against Danske Bank with the Danish Public Prosecutor for Special Economic and International Crime (PPS-EIE).


defensenews .com/global/europe/2018/07/06/danske-bank-investigation-could-uncover-ties-to-north-korea-and-iran/