Anonymous ID: b75199 July 18, 2018, 9 a.m. No.2199593   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ukanon update.

Sauce on request.

Lunchtime Radio 2 politica included asking if Jacob Rees Mogg is running the country. He is our Trump.


Cliff Richard was accused of being a pedo, clean as a whistle. Coupled to the recent big political historical child abuse witch hunt based on a fantacist witness, it's almost as if a clever plot has been hatched in advance of protecting actual pedo cases to come in the future.

Jimmy Seville brought it to the front, made everyone suspicious. These two cases have hurt that and created credibility debt for future accusers, especially of politicians and celebs in the UK. Very convenient.

UK government is on the edge of an abyss.

Too many MPs are afraid of an election right now.

That is the only reason May is in power. Or is it?

The country is waking up.