Anonymous ID: f35781 July 18, 2018, 8:40 a.m. No.2199427   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9455 >>9697 >>9860

It’s Undeniable: Trump Is Blessed With Really Stupid Enemies

Snippet (read the whole thing):

"One of the secrets of Trump’s success is having really, really stupid enemies, enemies who are so tone-deaf and out-of-touch that they simply cannot adopt commonsense positions that resonate among normal Americans. The establishment instead insists on telling Americans that up is down, black is white, and girls can have penises. Nope. No wonder the Normals have gotten militant, and no wonder a leader like Donald Trump came along with the vision to exploit the opening the establishment left for an outsider to rise and prevail by embracing the obvious."



At, filter for stupid.


1563, The American people are NOT STUPID.

1443, These people are stupid.


Re-read QPosts on the filtered list. More to follow.

Anonymous ID: f35781 July 18, 2018, 8:44 a.m. No.2199455   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9697 >>9962



Re-visited QPost 988.


Note the three instances of, [A].

April [A], [A]rrests, [A]wan.


Request for AnonDigger help


Let's fill the gaps?


1st) April [A] - Triple A Rating?


Compare and contrast the credit rating at heart of each of these pieces published in Forbes, first in 2011 under POTUS Hussein, second in 2018 under POTUS Trump. Note the tone, attribution of cause-effect, half-full/half-empty.


5-AUG-2011, Standard & Poor's Downgrades U.S. Credit Rating


On Aug. 5 2011 Standard & Poor's downgraded the U.S. credit rating from AAA to AA+ for the first time in history.


9-APR-2018, U.S. Still Regarded As The Safest Investment In The World


Kroll Bond Rating Agency has just issued the U.S. a Triple-A rating […] Kroll's ratings were not solicited, and the company used publicly available information in formulating its sovereign ratings of the U.S.



2nd) [Arrests]


Request Anons to help fill this gap, especially.



3rd) [A]wan


SearchSecurity: authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA)


"Authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) is a term for a framework for intelligently controlling access to computer resources, enforcing policies, auditing usage, and providing the information necessary to bill for services. These combined processes are considered important for effective network management and security."


Morew: "Authentication, authorization, and accounting services are often provided by a dedicated AAA server, a program that performs these functions. A current standard by which network access servers interface with the AAA server is the Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS)."




"TheDCNF traveled to Pakistan for this story and interviewed numerous residents who interacted with Imran, and they confirmed that he does travel that country with a contingent of armed Pakistani government officials and routinely brags about mysterious political power. The House Office of Inspector General charged in Sept. 30, 2016 that data was being funneled off the House network by the Awans as recently as September 2016 — shortly before the presidential election."


More: "The separation between the legislative and executive branch has complicated the prosecution. Congressmen have refused to publicly address the IG’s findings, and Wasserman Schultz’s brother is a prosecutor in the office of the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, which is handling the case. Two months after the ban, Capitol Police found that Imran was in the building and left a laptop with username RepDWS in a phone booth along with a note that read “attorney client privilege,” according to a police report."


Also See



Each of the 3 As represent advancement of The Plan?

Anonymous ID: f35781 July 18, 2018, 9:10 a.m. No.2199697   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Not a clock fag, but could you advise? Triple [A] in QPost 988.


April [A] – see AAA credit rating article in Forbes, April 2018; compared with previous articles on downgrade.


[A]rrests – lots going on in April 2018 and ongoing.


[A]wan – AAA framework for network security. Compare with revelations in IG report and so forth.


Please see earlier post, >>2199455


Which was prompted by Townhall opinion piece on American people not stupid but POTUS oppoents behaving stupidly >>2199427



Anonymous ID: f35781 July 18, 2018, 9:19 a.m. No.2199792   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9807



Highly relevant. As is the book.


Differences between interpreter and translator, yes? Related, of course, but a written report would be a translation (and aptly governed by translation standards) while an "live" oral interpretation is dynamic at the moment (and aptly governed by interpretation standards).


Does the book discuss as much?

Anonymous ID: f35781 July 18, 2018, 9:31 a.m. No.2199914   🗄️.is 🔗kun



It may seem like a very minor distinction, however please indulge me on this point.


The connection with White Squall points to a sudden fury not to a prolonged storm. The squall seemingly comes out of nowhere (especially from the pov of the individual or crew in the middle of it) and is not preceded by forewarning apart from the general notion of be prepared and pray. The white part of white squall is about a squall at sea – or, for example, on a huge lake, like Lake Superior. When on an inland body of water there is virtually no escape – no safe harbor – and the storm can not be out-raced.


There may be many squalls. Over the history a given water body, that is certainly plausible – see the Great Lakes or see the north Atlantic Ocean for two broad examples.


The calm before the storm is a general expression that suggests that an unusual calm – or a seeming impasse, for example – is itself a warning. Have you ever noticed a sudden lull when things seem to go very quiet and then ka-bam a thunder storm is overhead? It is a very brief warning and the next thing you know you are in the middle of it because the storm has descended on your position, not because you moved into it, necessarily.


At sea, common.

Anonymous ID: f35781 July 18, 2018, 9:42 a.m. No.2200038   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Perhaps POTUS was deal-making? He made his pitch. Baseball term with double-meaning for soccer/football. In both sports a ball can be pitched. In both sports the field of play can be pitched – think camber. In both, the field of play is like a public court – all is exposed and rivals compete to reach a "result". In American Football, is not the ball more carried than kicked? But the ball can be pitched; the arena is like a court in the midst of a contest between rivals. Home and away, yes?

Anonymous ID: f35781 July 18, 2018, 9:47 a.m. No.2200096   🗄️.is 🔗kun



You are correct, Q has not called Q a captain.


And yet there are naval and Marine phrases tossed about.


Attention on deck.


When might a sailor hear or call that out? Yes, there is a ranking that makes the use of these types of expressions highly relevant in Q Poss.


If not military, anons might consider some of Q's exhortations to be merey strongly stated suggestions. But there are only a few proper responses to an order.


More later, if there is interest.

