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THE GOOD GUYS/GALS in UFOLOGY - (a partial list)
David Adair, former contract scientific consultant to NASA on UFO
propulsion technology
Colin Andrews, crop circles investigator
Richard Boylan, Ph.D., psychologist/Star Visitors-encounters researcher
Professor Courtney Brown, remote-viewer of UFOs and Star Visitors
Scott Catamas, UFO investigative journalist-TV producer
Major Gordon Cooper, USAF, (ret.), Apollo astronaut, UFO reality publicist
Lt. Colonel Phillip Corso, USA., (ret.), custodian of Roswell UFO; UFO reality publicist [RIP]
James Courant, commercial pilot, UFO investigator-journalist
Marc Davenport, UFO investigator/journalist
Command Sergeant-Major Robert Dean, USA/NATO, (ret.), UFO reality publicist
Standing Elk/Golden Eagle, an Ihanktowan Dakota spiritual teacher and Star Altar Keeper, convener of Star Knowledge Conferences joining Native and non-Native information on the Star Visitors
Jose Escamilla, UFO photographer, “rods” investigator
Timothy Good, top UFO investigator/documentation publisher
Donna Tietze Hare, ex-NASA Johnson Space Center employee/discloser of NASA UFO cover-up
Paola Harris, Italian photo-journalist, investigator and lecturer on UFO/ Star Visitor reality
Richard Hoagland, scientist, investigator of Star Visitor artifacts on Mars and the Moon
Ruth Hover, Ph.D., LCSW, diligent researcher and therapist specializing in human-Star Visitor encounters
Jack Kasher, Ph.D., professor, UFO investigator
Captain Guy Kirkwood, USAF, Special Projects (ret.), (aka “Mel Noel”), UFO investigator
Barbara Lamb, M.A., MFCC, psychotherapist/hypnotherapist-researcher into Star Vistor encounters
Robert Lazar, former physicist at Los Alamos and Area 51/S-4, UFO reality publicist
Roger Leir, D.P.M., implants investigator-extracter
Michael Lindemann, UFO writer-publisher, lecturer
Ted Loman, UFO investigative journalist-TV producer
John Mack, M.D., Harvard Psychiatry Professor, Star Visitors encounters researcher-therapist [R.I.P.]
Jesse Marcel, Jr., M.D., son of Intelligence officer at Roswell Saucer, UFO reality publicist
Jim Marrs, investigative journalist, UFO reality publicist
Jamie Mausson, Mexico investigative TV journalist-producer, UFO reality publicist
Edgar Mitchell, Ph.D., Apollo astronaut, UFO reality publicist
Brian O’Leary, Ph.D., Mars Mission astronaut
Richard Sauder, Ph.D., underground bases investigator, UFO reality publicist
Tech Sergeant Dan Sherman, USAF, NSA (ret.), Star Visitors communications expert/UFO reality publicist
R. Leo Sprinkle, Ph.D., psychologist, Star Visitors encounters researcher
Colonel Wendelle Stevens, USAF (ret.), UFO investigator/journalist
Dr. Bob Wood & son, Ryan Wood, careful researchers into UFO documentation
Michael Wolf, M.D., Ph.D., Sc.D., J.D., repentant member of NSC’s Special Studies (“MJ-12”) Group, UFO reality publicist