Think about it anons…. the state-sponsored corporate legacy media is collapsing…. LA Times & WaPo purged all their radical leftist journalists…. neo-cons are losing their forever wars and are more unpopular than ever…. Soros DAs suffered a humiliating election loss w/ the foundation laying people off…. nearly all lawfare against Trump has been shut down and already failed…… and Trump ain't even President yet!!
Germany: Police Raid Pensioner's House, Drag Him To Court After He Retweets Meme Calling Green Minister "Idiot"
Everyone who has a Twitter account around the world should RE-POST this meme for this poor guy, Green Economy Minister Robert Habeck IS A FUCKING IDIOT!!!!
Make #IdiotRobertHabeck go viral.
Green Economy Minister Robert Habeck IS AN IDIOT!!!!