I suspect he is mostly trying to disinterest people who don't believe in it. For example, in recruiting of spec ops - they don't want tourists applying to see what they can get. They do everything they can to scare the shit out of people to get them not to sign up (well, somewhat, depends on the billet openings to be honest). They don't want people who aren't serious about the mission.
I don't expect to be picked up, but I will send my resume in. There are just going to be people with far more spectacular resumes than my own, but I am confident I can review and audit programs - and I would wear a swimming suit around so all I have to do is shower intermittently and sleep in the office. The only compensation I would actually require is that I would consider it a bit absurd to not be able to pay my $350/month mortgage while there or feed my cat. Otherwise, keep me fed and with a shower and bed, and I am a happy camper. I would frame my contract or whatever official form and leave an interview for my descendants about what it was like to be there to shrink the government in something my father never thought would happen (short of a collapse or having to go through a communist stage of horrors).
If I was in a position to be able to outright volunteer, I would, but I would return homeless, otherwise - and… Call me crazy for expecting to not have to make that kind of sacrifice. If there were no other way, I would - in a heartbeat, I would sleep under a bridge until I figured things out if it made the government shrink.