violence against women
why just women? seems rather sexist.
but it's a grant giver: no doubt to the web of non profits where the ones running the non profit are the main beneficaries.
seems to me that an anti-violence grant giver ought not just be focused on one gender.
I'd merge this in with the 'office of violence against men'
but wait: there is no such office.
also there are offices for 'minority housing': usually it's all about grants being given to 'registered non profits'
why not just give the money directly to the minorities who need housing?
wait, that's racist.
why not have an office of giving money to poor people for housing that doesn't have the 'registered non profit' in between (politically connected people who live off the grant and may not actually do much for the consituancy that the money is alledged to be for).
"office of home grants to the poor"
"office of violence againt anyone"
so much of this largesse is designed just for 'grants to registered non-profits'
if we do away with the IRS we also do away with 'registered non profits'
and then the offices could give grants to anyone! Sounds very efficient.
of course we could also stop just giving away money and provide well paying jobs so people can pay for themselves!