According to this brief profile of Admiral Lyons on Wikipedia:
On March 1, 2018, The Washington Times published an opinion column by Lyons about Democratic Party staffer Seth Rich's unsolved murder in Washington D.C., which has frequently been the subject of right-wing conspiracy theories. In the column, Lyons claimed it was "well known in the intelligence circles" that Rich and his brother Aaron sold a trove of non-public Democratic National Committee emails to the news leak media outlet WikiLeaks, whose publication of the confidential messages caused chaos in the Democratic Party during the 2016 United States presidential election. Aaron Rich sued and the article was retracted with an apology.
Admiral James "Ace" Lyons was a patriot who knew that Obama was anti-American, anti-western, pro-Islamic, pro-Iranian, and pro-Muslim Brotherhood.
Admiral Lyons died at age 91, within months after he exposed the Seth Rich murder for what it was.
If only this man had this Research Board to help him spread the truth, back in his prime.
Thank God for Q.
Rest in peace, Admiral Lyons.
We're working to restore America, sir, in your honor and in honor of all the other good men and women like you.
>I did not know Admiral Lyons did this.
I didn't know either, Anon.
In fact, prior to seeing this video clip in this bred tonight, I never even heard of the man.
When I first clicked on the video I was expecting to hear baloney, because I'm a little jaded, I guess.
But my father was a very patriotic, well-respected pro-American military man, so when I saw that this was an elder who was speaking, I knew that I should hear what he had to say, because he was in the military when my great father served.
And sure enough, the video demonstrates that Admiral Lyons was a true American hero.
That train of thought then reminded me of the Sixteen Year Plan that the treasonous Obama unrolled here, and then it all made sense that guys like Admiral Lyons and my dad were hated by the Communists who've had power for more than a decade here.
Fortunately, we are changing that.
The evidence amassed against these evil Communist bastards is unbelievable.
Oh, and the toilet will be very easy to flush, once we publicly identify these evil pieces of shit who've infiltrated our society (just as Admiral Lyons recognized).
One key component to remember is that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 allows employers to discriminate against and harass employees who are members of the Communist Party or affiliated organizations. This is because the law exempts these individuals from protection.
In other words, [THEY] can be destroyed by both the United States Military and in the private sector.
It's time to take out the Communist trash.
Ooops, I forgot to add the graphic describing the Sixteen Year plan, just for completeness.
>Tiger Woods super athlete was on Johnny Carson when he was only a child.
Ack-shu-ally, Anon, Tiger appeared on 'The Mike Douglas Show, which was a daily "talk show" Clown production that used to be broadcast from a studio in Philadelphia.
I'm old enough that I used to watch that show whenever I visited my beloved grandmother, so I saw this episode with Tiger Woods when it aired back on October 6, 1978.
It was something I always remembered because my father was a very good golfer, and he used to wake us children up when he'd get home from work (at like 8:30 p.m.) and then zoom us over to the driving range so he could bang out buckets of balls with us kids (in our pajamas).
Those are some of my favorite memories: driving Titleist golf balls, in my pajamas, under the lights with my dad when I was about 6.
I still smile when I think about that silly routine.
So when Tiger had his appearance on Mike Douglas it was a very big deal to my family and me, because we used to joke how, sure, Tiger may be a good little golfer, but can he do it in his PJs like we could?
Great memories, though, of that show.
Now that I'm old and awake, it seems clear to me that all these "prodigies" are merely creations of the machine we're destroying, but the illusion was fun while it lasted.
Tiger's cover's blown but, on the bright side, at least I can still play golf in my pajamas, if the urge to do so ever hits me.
Hahaha, thanks for the laugh!
I just stopped in for a quick break and I appreciate the laughs!
Man, the older I get, the harder it is to move around, what with a bad hip and all now, but once I finish the little research project I've been doing, I'll look forward to resuming an exercise routine again, and maybe even getting back into Pajama Golf shape!
Thanks again.
>7-8 more years
It takes time to build a case and then proceed according to the rule of law, but this way will produce lasting change from which future generations of Americans will learn a tremendous amount so that the evil will never, ever again infiltrate our country and destroy it from within.