idgaf about the bible
I had an f18 fly over me last week at 11:03
No I won’t.
I don’t care. Just remember how many years pedophiles been in the churches. Not where atheists are at
nothing you say sticks to me lmao
I don’t take any meds. The liberals keep the doctors out of stock so you might want to stop projecting like Krassenstein
because they’re a fucking liar lmao
They never filter me. They try to trick anons into filtering me. They’ve been doing this same shit for 7 years
Laughing my ass off. Bot
I filter the massive text spam posts and that’s about it
Just in case some OGs decided to come back since the election, you might remember BidenIsaPedo
My favorite screenshot of me and Q posting at the same time
If you guys don’t understand what unfiltered data is and why I mentioned the NSA, looks up Robert David Steele talk about getting Bill Benny back into the NSA to go through the data. Bill Benny designed the system that Edward Snowden connected between all agencies of intel. Bill benny designed a very targeted system that didn’t need to sprite everything.. emails calls text everything you do now geolocated. The intel agencies set the system up without bill Benny, and redesigned it to capture anything and everything it could about you and your data. They didn’t to everyone. So basically they captured everyone’s communications etc for over a decade and that data is not gone
Bill benny is a big part in the movie about Snowden.
If you’re frightened start carrying. Wtf
C32B special ops
Lmao the timing of these tweets is ridiculous