"Q" is now on the verge of fomenting a fear-based negative backlash outcome to its "plan" because of lack of viewable progress in the eyes of the average person.
The longer no substantial conclusions are witnessed in public perception, and the longer the drops are utilized as a way to foment political points versus actual concrete in-your-face results, will cause fear, negativity, and mistrust to take hold in those having been believers in the cause.
The cause will not be affected in as much depth as the person "Q" who will be invalidated to the ranks of fake news.
Whatever fuckery Gen. MATTIS learned from all of the psyops he ran at godlikeproductions.com in association and cooperation with TAVISTICK INSTITUTE is backfiring. They ALL are showing signs of collusion against all of The People.
The question then becomes: What if "Q" and "the plan" are simply the means by which THEY take hold and captivate the minds of The People who could truly make a difference in the World.