Anonymous ID: 126d50 July 18, 2018, 2:59 p.m. No.2203151   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Geranon here.


More and more people don't believe anything "our" fake news media says.

You see people here fully understand that this is not a free country. It's basically a prison.

Hell, we are forced to pay for state controlled propaganda TV, even when we don't watch it / don't own a TV at all.

Guess how much they make every year.

8 billion Euro.

Yes, "our" state controlled propaganda BS media get half of the budget of f'cking NASA.


They even collect per appartment, so big families pay the same as a single-person household. And even employeers have to pay as well. And when you own a 2nd appartment, you have to pay twice right up until now (was just considered to be illegal, only people who sued get their money back … maybe).


And the propaganda isn't even well made.

A large percentage of those 8 billion are even given to ex-politicians as luxury pensions, while more and more people live in poverty. I see more and more elderly people collecting glass bottles. Look up Hartz IV (worked as planned, less children, more poverty). It's so sad.


Anyway, don't think Germans are asleep.

They aren't.

I'm personally even thinking about moving away, not because I wouldn't want to fight this bs, but because I understand wtf is going on here and that we can't get a Trump as head of state.


A vast majority really HATES Merkel and wants her gone including the one-party-disguised-as-multiple-parties system.

People understand that they are lied to all the time (and because "our" fake news media is so stupid it's really getting obvious since at least 2011 or so).

Now with Trump it's even more obvious.

You know back in 2015 fake news media called everyone who had the nerve to critize anything about Renegade as "anti-american" (basically being a minor Hitler) - which actually was quite ironic considering Barry's history.


And now some of their covers, well see pic related.

If anyone would have released something like this w/ Barry on the cover, that someone would have been thrown into jail.


People are cancelling their subscriptions en masse (if they haven't already done so). More and more of these "newspapers" are given away for basically free. So in that regard it's hilarious and it also makes it obvious that more and more people are waking up at least in that regard.


But as I said - the implemented system in Germany was designed in a way so that the people can't do shit about it.

Right now I think that AfD is controlled opposition, but let's pretend they aren't - they would need 51% of the votes to get into power, which is simply impossible (especially because of voting fraud and the fake news media, AfD is called Nazi etc. all the time).


As I said - (temporarily) moving away is probably the best way to handle it, simply because without money the system here will break, which is what will have to happen unless someone releases Stasi files about Merkel and crashes her and the involved parties.


I actually pray to god that there will be more and more sanctions to kill the German exports, which will then break everything.

Yes, it would be a bit of chaos here, but I also know what those exports did to Italy, Greece, Spain etc. thanks to the EUR (worked as originally designed). EU must be stopped.